I'm pretty happy to announce that I recently got a smartphone so now I can do mobile blogging. Ever since I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, I now know the source of my chronic pain and how to treat it. Unfortunately due to this I will have to cut certain things out of my life such as blogging frequently. When I got my smartphone I was so happy to see that it had a speech to text option which really helps me out. Well the new medication that I'm taking is proving to be difficult, I have never stopped working on my crafts and I continue to run Starlight Deco Dream.
Things have been difficult but I keep struggling on because these are things I really love.
I guess the really interesting updates my life are just that I found a solution to my chronic pain from RA and my carpal tunnel. If you're familiar with my crafts lately I do a lot of resin work, and this is mainly because my hands get very very tired quickly from molding fake sweets items.
Regardless I really enjoy making resin items , but I would really like to go back to doing that clay work.
Making crafts very therapeutic for me especially now with my new medications time to wake up in the middle of the night I'm the only way to find a nice rest is to work on a little bit of my jewelry until I get tired. I've rambled on and on I know, That's how my life has become but I'm really enjoying myself and I now have an Instagram. you can find me under the name dreamykyandi.